Dragon Bowl is a fantasy adventure game with bowling as the driving force. Single-player or team mode will test a bowler's shot-making, adaptability, and teamwork.
Fantasy adventure with bowling as the driving force.
Dragon Bowl is an exciting mashup of two timeless classics – bowling and fantasy board games - combining the physical components of bowling with the game mechanics and objectives of a fantasy board game for all ages and skill levels.
We’ve created a competitive design allowing beginning bowlers to successfully compete against more advanced bowlers, even the Pros!
Save the Kingdom
After proving his or her skill to the King, the heroes must overcome a series of creature encounters and skill challenges as they travel across the Kingdom, moving steadily closer to the Dragon’s lair.
Once there, the heroes must defeat the Dragon to save the realm. The first bowler or team to slay the Dragon wins.
How to play
Dragon Bowl was created for all ages and all skill levels. Beginning bowlers may successfully compete to slay the Dragon and save the Kingdom against more advanced bowlers.
Each hero has an origin story and a special skill that will help you overcome challenges as you travel across the Kingdom to defeat the Dragon and save the Kingdom.
Each hero will roll the dice to determine creature encounter objectives.
Bowling and fantasy meet. Bowl to defeat a creature or overcome a challenge along the path to the Dragon’s lair.
After battling across the landscape, the final showdown pits the hero against the Dragon. The first player or team to defeat the Dragon saves the Kingdom and wins the game.
Unbox and Playthrough with Bowling Science.
Dragon Bowl was featured on the Bowling Science channel! In a 3-part video series, Bowling Science shows you “the fun of mixing up your bowling routine with the CHALLENGE of slaying the DRAGON!”
Dragon Bowl Heroes
Which Hero will you choose?
Dragon Bowl Illustrations
Meet the artists who beautifully illustrated Dragon Bowl bringing the fantasy adventure alive.
Dragon Bowl contributor, Ural Akyuz, creates fantasy and science fiction through classic painting and digital techniques. His work has been compiled in the video below.
“Dragon Bowl is great for practicing versatility skills because you are playing a game and testing yourself at the same time. Sometimes, practicing can get really mundane and make you lose focus. With Dragon Bowl, you can complete quests and fight monsters while strengthening your ability to move around the lane and understanding your equipment.”
“My good friend, and partner in literary crime, Scott Eder did a thing. Like, a super amazing, revolutionary, knock your socks off and change the way you look at bowling- thing!”
“The boys enjoyed playing the game! Thanks”
“What an awesome concept to add flare to team practices. Practice is way more fun while plating a board game rather than checking a box on a practice worksheet.”
“Can’t tell you how much I loved this. And the kids were super into it, too. Morgan wants to know when we’re playing again!”